Below is the University of West Georgia’s privacy and legal notice for its website and compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”). Questions about 在线博彩’s privacy and legal notice or compliance with EU GDPR can be sent to



The University of West Georgia (在线博彩) collects information from individuals or entities when they access any 在线博彩 website. 从该联系人收集的信息为接触器的IP地址, 访问网站的日期和时间, 以及所访问的网页. 除了, 在线博彩也可能收集从您的网页浏览器收到的任何信息, 包括浏览器类型, version, 操作系统. 这些信息有助于在线博彩了解本网站的总体使用情况, 跟踪使用趋势, 改善在线博彩的服务.


Cookies are files that many websites transfer to users’ web browsers to enable the site to deliver personalized services or to provide persistent authentication. The information in a cookie typically includes information collected automatically by the web server and/or information provided voluntarily by the user. Our website uses persistent cookies with a third-party technology partner to analyze search engine usage and web traffic patterns. 这些信息被用于监控和改进在线博彩的网页. 它不用于跟踪单个用户的使用模式.


在线博彩的办公室致力于确保您的信息安全. 在线博彩投入了合理的体力, technical, and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the information collected online.



  • 法律规定的;
  • 以保障大学的利益;
  • as necessary to further University research efforts pursuant to approvals from appropriate data stewards and the IRB; and/or
  • with service providers acting on our behalf who have agreed to protect the confidentiality of the data.


This site may contain links to other websites not affiliated with the University. 在线博彩不负责这些其他网站的隐私做法. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of other sites for assurance that their practices safeguard your privacy.


尽管有任何相反的语言, 本协议不构成要约,也不打算构成要约, inducement, promise, 或任何形式的合同. The data contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not represented to be error-free. 任何非uwg信息的链接都是出于礼貌提供的. They are neither intended nor constitute an endorsement by 在线博彩 of the linked materials.

欧盟通用数据保护条例(EU GDPR)隐私声明


The University of West Georgia is an institute of higher education involved in education, research, 以及社区发展. 在线博彩在课堂和网上教育学生, 从事世界一流的研究, 提供社区服务, 这是必要的和必要的收集, process, use, 并维护学生的数据, employees, 申请人, 研究对象, 以及其他参与其教育的人, research, 以及社区项目. 收集和使用这些数据的合法依据包括, 但不限于, admission, 登记, 教室交付, on-line, 以及留学教育, grades, 通信, 就业, 在线博彩研究, 发展, 改进方案分析, 记录保存. Examples of data that 在线博彩 may need to collect in connection with the lawful bases are name, 电子邮件地址, IP地址, 物理地址或其他位置标识符, photos, 以及在事先同意的情况下获得的敏感个人数据.

Most of 在线博彩’s collection and processing of personal data will fall under the following categories:

1. Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by 在线博彩 or third parties in providing education, 就业, 研究与开发, 以及社区项目.

2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before entering into a contract. This lawful basis pertains primarily but not exclusively to research contracts.

3. Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which 在线博彩 is subject. This lawful basis pertains primarily but not exclusively to compliance with state and federal laws. Examples are providing enrollment data to the US Department of Education and providing 就业 and payroll data as required by the US Internal Revenue Service.

4. The data subject has consented to process their personal data for one or more specific purposes. This lawful basis primarily pertains to protecting 研究对象 and providing medical and mental health services.

There will be some instances where the collection and processing of personal data will be pursuant to other lawful bases.


如上所述, the University of West Georgia collects of personal and sensitive data to meet one of its lawful bases. Most often, 这些数据用于学术录取, enrollment, 教育项目, job hiring, 提供医疗服务, 参与研究, 发展, 社区外展. 数据通常包括名称, address, 成绩单, 工作经历, 工资单信息, 研究课题信息, 医疗和健康信息(用于学生健康服务或旅行), 和捐赠.

If a data subject refuses to provide personal data that 在线博彩 requires in connection with one of its lawful bases to collect such personal data, 这种拒绝可能会使在线博彩无法提供教育, 就业, research, 或其他请求的服务.

Where the University of West Georgia gets Personal and Sensitive Personal Data

The University of West Georgia receives personal and sensitive personal data from multiple sources. Most often, 在线博彩 gets this data directly from the data subject or under the direction of the data subject who provided it to a third party.


Individual data subjects covered by 在线博彩’s EU GDPR Compliance Policy include the right to know:

1. 收集数据的控制器信息;

2. 数据保护官的联系方式;

3. the purposes and legal basis/legitimate interests of the data collection/processing,

4. 个人资料的接收人;

5. if 在线博彩 intends to transfer personal data to another country or international organization,

6. 个人资料将被储存的期限;

7. 访问权的存在, 更正错误的数据或删除个人数据, 限制或反对加工, 以及数据可移植性的权利,

8. 随时撤回同意的权利的存在,

9. 向监管机构(在欧盟设立)投诉的权利;

10. why the personal data are required, and possible consequences of the failure to provide the data,

11. 自动化决策的存在,包括分析,以及

12. if collected data are going to be further processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected.

Note: Exercising these rights guarantees a process and not the guarantee of an outcome.


See above.


All personal and sensitive personal data collected or processed by the University of West Georgia under the scope of its EU GDPR Compliance Policy must comply with the security controls and systems and process requirements and standards of NIST Special Publication 800-171.


  • 为了达到其合法目的, 包括但不限于其合法利益, 合同合规, 根据您的同意, 或法律要求的;
  • as necessary to protect 在线博彩 interests; or
  • with service providers acting on our behalf who have agreed to protect the confidentiality of the data.


The University of West Georgia keeps the data it collects for the period specified in the University System of Georgia Records Retention Schedules. See 在线博彩政策1008记录信息管理(RIM)政策.